Updates/upcoming events

Update 05/04/2022

The building project is progressing well, with both the concept design and current status of the Rosebank property making significant progress over the last few weeks.

On the 2nd April we held a large working bee at Rosebank, the hope was to get 50 people helping out, but we ended up with 70! It was a very fun and proactive day with people split into four different teams; gardening, building cleanup, kitchen cleanup, and shed/grounds organization, each with team leaders managing the tasks needing to be done. The aim of this working bee was to clean up the property (especially the gardens) for the current tenants, and to gather and organize the long list of chattels that came with the property. Thanks to the hard work of the volunteers who showed up, we are now in a position to make decisions about items left over in the purchase of the property, and we have very few things needing to be done before demolition/construction work needs to start. Thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturdays to help!

For the current design status of the project, our Architect Harvey Duncan and the rest of the design team have been working hard on the concept design of the new building. At the recent Latimer Annual General Meeting, Geoff Banks the project director presented some early concept designs/drawings of what the building might look like, this was quite an exciting milestone as the Latimer community saw concept images for the first time! Shortly after that, a meeting was held with some of the staff and stakeholders to discuss the concept design and to get some feedback on some “big picture” ideas. Our architect and design team is faced with a challenging task of putting words into drawings, ensuring that the new building serves each ministry of Latimer as best as possible. This was a very helpful and positive meeting, showing that we are on the right track! The next step in the process will be to finalize a concept design, then move on to the more detailed design.

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